Chapter 4 - Actions
Followfailing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "follow" as followfailing. Carry out followfailing: say "Who do you want to follow?".
Following is an action applying to one thing. Understand "follow [someone]" as following.
Carry out following:
if following a man:
say "He's not going anywhere.";
otherwise if following a woman:
say "She's not going anywhere.";
say "It's not going anywhere.".
Talkfailing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "talk" as talkfailing. Carry out talkfailing: say "Who do you want to talk to?".
Talking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking.
Carry out talking:
if talking a man:
say "He's got nothing to say.";
otherwise if talking a woman:
say "She's got nothing to say.";
say "It's got nothing to say.".
Usefailing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "use" as usefailing. Carry out usefailing: say "What do you want to use?"
Using is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use [something]" as using.
Carry out using:
if using Time Machine:
if Time Machine is not carried:
say "You've got to pick it up first.";
otherwise if Powered is 0:
say "You press the button, but nothing happens. You notice that the button is strangely black.";
if TimeZone is 1:
now TimeZone is 0;
now player is in the present room corresponding to the future room of location in the Table of Parallel Rooms;
otherwise if TimeZone is 0:
now TimeZone is 1;
now player is in the future room corresponding to the present room of location in the Table of Parallel Rooms;
say "You press the button. The world spins around you before coming to a stop.[line break]The button now [if Powered is 0]is pitch black[otherwise if TimeZone is 0]glows red[otherwise if TimeZone is 1]glows green[end if].";
say "You can't use that right now.".
Asking for help is an action out of world.
Understand "help" or "hint" or "info" or "tips" as asking for help.
Carry out asking for help:
say "Here are some tips:[line break]
-You can use commands such as FOLLOW (someone), TALK TO (someone), TAKE (something), EXAMINE (something) (or x (something) works too), USE (something), OPEN (something), and LOOK.[line break]-If you get stuck try looking around or examining objects to get some clues.";
if player has Time Machine:
say "-Remember that you can refer to the Time Machine as 'tm'.[line break]-If something doesn't work in one time zone, try time traveling and doing it again in the other time zone.[line break]-The color of the Time Machine button (and thus the time zone) is displayed on the status bar.";